Elder Reynolds Nametag

Elder Reynolds Nametag

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Maiden Voyage of 2015

The weather here isn’t very fitting for sailing; this cold rain really dampens the mood, but the crew is as willing as ever to ensure the safe journey of our ship.

The spirits are high and the sails have been set! If you take a look off the starboard side, you’ll see Russ, who is a very kind, older gentleman that we met several days ago. He’s never met with missionaries before, but loves what he’s read in the Book of Mormon. Looking towards the stern, you’ll notice that we are sailing away from Barnston IslAs you are all aware, the HMS 2015 has set sail this week from the Canada Vancouver Port; where the ship will take me, I know not, but I know that when I depart the vessel, I will not be the same man that climbed aboard.

and, where we spent our entire day yesterday; some very kind people and a First Nation’s reservation dwell there. If you were to hoist yourself up to the Crow’s Nest, you just might be able to see a baptism coming our way, but it is too early in the voyage to be certain.

We’ll soon be arriving at our first milestone, which is January 11th. There, I will turn 19 and become a legal adult in British Columbia.

Aye, the great sea holds many mysteries, hardships, and adventures. But as any good sailor knows, we need to simply look up to determine our course and direction. That’s the key to sailing.

I hope you all can get your sea legs soon, because this is going to be quite a ride. I bid unto all a Bon Voyage, and I invite you to never forget that with Him as your helmsman, you shall safely return to home port.

-Elder Reynolds

2nd Lieutenant of the HMS 2015, Willoughby Division

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