Elder Reynolds Nametag

Elder Reynolds Nametag

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Arold and Erica‏

The Desert, part 7)

Then lo, how foreign a sound that engulfs the valley and rings in my ear,
'Tis the echo of rolling thunder; I can't help but shed a joyous tear.
But wait! That is not a tear that streams down my face;
The sky has let forth raindrops as welcome as heaven's embrace.

O, how joy fills the wilderness as we lift our voices in song!
Though once lost in a desert, we now happily usher our paradise along.
The oasis for which I desperately sought begins to appear
As the sand slides away and a garden springs up; has this always been here?

Perhaps, I then begin to wonder, we do not simply arrive at paradise;
It surrounds us while we lift our fellow's burdens, do service, and sometimes just be nice.
Confirming my thoughts, the heavenly voice speaks the moral unfurled:
"Your journey's not to reach an end; your journey is to change the world."
(The End)